ImageCharles Packer

“It is always a delight to receive a book of short stories which is not constrained by either expectation or genre, but is written purely for the joy of producing good writing.”

 “Unconstrained by the restrictions of genre, Gardiner gives full rein to his imagination, producing stories which range from modern horror to lyrical vignettes of beauty.”

 “… like a modern Lovecraft, Gardiner is adept at mixing the divine with the macabre creating an unsettling reading experience.”

 “… another great collection which will take you to some of the stranger shores of human experience.”


Steven Joyce

“Jeff Gardiner’s debut collection of short stories provides us with glimpses of a world that is mysterious, fearful and fascinating.”

 “The aim is not so much horror as to unsettle readers by shaking their everyday beliefs.”

“For Gardiner, as for the American philosopher William James, the psychological is as real as the physical. Whether we experience the supernatural or merely imagine it is immaterial; what matters is that it produces real effects.”

 “Overall, the collection is stylish and enjoyable. Gardiner has a diverse range and one never knows what the next story will bring. They are, by turn, uplifting, humorous, horrifying, and at their best really do offer a glimpse of the numinous.”



 Seregil of Rhiminee

 “A Glimpse of the Numinous is an interesting and challenging short story collection, because each story is different and handles a different subject. Jeff Gardiner writes fluently about feelings, sexuality, mental illness, relationships, sensuality, mythical happenings, religious themes.”

 “… his stories are genuinely fascinating, weird and original.”

“I was impressed by Jeff Gardiner’s use of English. He writes beautiful prose and he’s capable of changing his writing style when needed.”

 “I’m sure that Jeff Gardiner’s A Glimpse of the Numinous is one of the best and most versatile short story collections of 2012, because it’ll be difficult to find similarly versatile collections.”




